
30. October 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘A bird!’ Emma:“一只鸟!” Emma: ‘It flied away and made me busy for nothing!’ Emma:“飞走了,白忙了一场!” Emma: ‘Have a sleep, restore my energy.’ Emma:“睡一觉,回复下体力。” Emma: ‘Pull off the curtain and don’t disturb me, Big Clumsy Cat!’ Emma:“拉上窗帘,不要打扰我了,大笨猫!”


26. October 2016 Photo 0
Emma as Highness. 高高在上的Emma。 Looking around (furtively) 东瞅瞅西望望(鬼鬼祟祟) Wow! What is she doing?! 哇!她要干嘛?! She didn’t stand steadily! What’s up?! 没站稳!什么情况!? Emma: ‘Alas, the place where the toys are stored is too high. I really can’t get them and nearly fell down…’ Emma:“唉,玩具放的地方实在太高了,真够不到啊,还差点跌下去……” Emma: ‘Ah! Big Clumsy Cat! Did he see what just happened?! ’ ...


17. October 2016 Photo 1
Emma: ‘Lick!’ Emma:“舔一舔。” Emma: ‘Bite.’ Emma:“咬一咬。” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, how old are you for still bite your paw? ’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你都多大了,还在咬手!” Emma stares at Big Clumsy Cat in surprise. Emma不可思议的盯着大笨猫。 Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, you are too clumsy! This is the way how the residents of cat planet clean ourselves!’ Emma:“大笨猫,你太笨啦!这是我们喵星人的清洁方式!”


13. October 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Zzzzzzz…’ Emma:“Zzzzzzz……” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, don’t disturb my sleep!’ Emma:“大笨猫,不要妨碍我睡觉!” Emma: ‘Hide!’ Emma:“藏起来!” Emma: ‘As I’m hiding here, Big Clumsy Cat should not be able to find me~’ Emma:“藏在这里大笨猫就找不到我啦~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Really?’ 大笨猫:“真的吗?”


04. October 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘What is it?’ 大笨猫:“这是什么东西?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘On your nose, there is a…’ 大笨猫:“鼻子上有一个……” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma! Why is there a black spot on your nose!?’ 大笨猫:“Emma!你鼻子上怎么会有一个黑点!?” Emma: ‘What? Let me have a look.’ Emma:“啥?我看看。” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, you are really a fool, this is obviously a beauty mark!’ Emma:“大笨猫,你果然是大笨蛋,这明明是美人痣的嘛!” ...


30. September 2016 Photo 0
Emma likes to wrap herself when sleeping, but always leaves a small paw outside. She seems to tell other people that the parcel is occupied~ Emma睡觉喜欢把自己“包”起来,但总是露出一只小爪在外面,像是在告诉别人,这个包已经有主了哦~ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Hi! Emma, did you sleep well?’ 大笨猫:“嘿!Emma,睡的香吗?”


21. September 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Creep towards…’ 大笨猫:“悄悄的靠近……” Emma: ‘What’s it?’ Emma:“什么东西?” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, don’t disturb my sleep!’ Emma:“大笨猫,不要打扰我睡觉啊!”


17. September 2016 Photo 0
In these photos, the sleeping poses of Emma are really extremely cute. Why does the small paw poke against her round small face? Emma的这几张睡姿实在是太可爱了!那只小爪为什么要戳着圆圆的小脸呢?


13. September 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘I don’t know why the water for Big Clumsy Cat always tastes very good~’ Emma:“不知为什么,大笨猫的水总是很好喝~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, it looks like you are in ecstasy for drinking!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你喝的貌似很销魂的样子啊!”


04. September 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Why do I feel very tired for lying here?’ Emma:“为什么我感到趴在这里很累呢?” Emma: ‘Why?’ Emma:“为什么呢?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“……”