
30. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘I am very slim~’ Emma:“我很修长吧~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma is sleeping very well~’ 大笨猫:“Emma睡得好香啊~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Is she dreaming now? Is there Big Clumsy Cat in her dream?’ 大笨猫:“在做梦吗?梦到大笨猫了吗?” Emma: ‘In my dream, there was somebody taking photos without my consent…’ Emma:“刚才做梦梦到有人在偷拍……” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ Emma: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“……” Emma:“……”


22. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘My neck does not feel right as sleeping here…’ Emma:“这里睡觉脖子好难受……” Emma: ‘Is there anything which can be used as a pillow?’ Emma:“有没有什么可以当个枕头之类的呢?” Emma: ‘Oh!?’ Emma:“哦!?” Emma: ‘This is nice, but…’ Emma:“这样子不错,只不过……” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat is coming!’ Emma:“大笨猫来了!” Emma: ‘It’s perfect now~’ Emma:“这下完美啦~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Hey hey, I can’t type like this!’ Emma: ...


17. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Ah! I can feel the sunshine on my body. It’s very warm~’ Emma:“啊!感觉阳光洒在身上,好温暖哦~” Emma: ‘The little paw is warm too, very comfortable~’ Emma:“小爪也热乎乎的,好舒服哦~” Emma: ‘It’s very comfortable to sleep like this~’ Emma:“这样子睡觉真是舒服啊~” Actually, it’s only a lamp~ 其实,那仅仅是一盏灯~


13. April 2016 Photo 0
The world outside is always full of wonders. In Emma’s eyes, what can attract her attention? 外面的世界永远充满了神奇,在Emma眼中,又是什么东西吸引了她的注意呢?


09. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Feel lots of pressure…!’ Emma:“感觉好有压力……!” Emma: ‘Ah! Help! I don’t want become a burger-cat!!!’ Emma:“啊!救命,我不要成为汉堡猫!!!” Emma: ‘Run! Flash Cat!’ Emma:“跑!闪电猫!” Emma: ‘Very dangerous just now!’ Emma:“刚才真危险啊!” Emma: ‘Look around.’ Emma:“环顾下四周。” Emma: ‘En, no more danger.’ Emma:“嗯,没有什么危险了。” Emma: ‘Now I can have a relax noontime snooze~’ Emma:“这下可以安心睡个午觉了~”


30. March 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat said, balanced nutrition is necessary for diet!’ Emma:“大笨猫说,吃饭要营养均衡!” Emma: ‘Return to the nature, let me eat a mouse.’ Emma:“今天回归自然,吃个老鼠吧。” Emma: ‘Big clumsy cat said this mouse is not cheap.’ Emma:“大笨猫说,这只老鼠不便宜。” Emma: ‘Let me try the taste.’ Emma:“那我就尝尝吧。” Emma: ‘Lick…’ Emma:“舔舔……” Emma: ‘Bite!’ Emma:“我咬!” Emma: ‘Ah! Too hard!!!’ Emma:“呀!真硬!!!” Emma: ‘Taste…’ Emma:“味道……” ...


26. March 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Be quiet…quiet…’ Emma:“悄悄地……悄悄地……” Emma: ‘Here?’ Emma:“在这里?” Emma: ‘No…’ Emma:“没有……” Emma: ‘Also not at somewhere further…’ Emma:“远处看看也没有……” Emma: ‘Aha, here is you!’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ Emma:“啊哈,你在这边啊!” 大笨猫:“……”


22. March 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘It’s good to be quiet, so I can think of cat-life with cosiness~’ Emma:“安安静静的最好,让我可以休闲的思考喵生~” Emma: ‘Wait a minute, maybe I see something?’ Emma:“等下,我好像看到什么东西了?” Emma: ‘Big clumsy cat!!! Are you taking photo without my consent again?’ Emma:“大笨猫!!!你又在偷拍?” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, I really don’t like photos taken without my consent, don’t you know.’ Big Clumsy ...


12. March 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘Feel a little bit weird…’ Emma:“感觉有点不对劲……” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘Aha, this is much better, too cold!’ Emma:“啊哈,这样就好多了,好冷啊!”


07. March 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma! What are you doing? To be graceful!’ 大笨猫:“Emma!你在干什么?注意形象!” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, check your pose! You are a young lady!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,姿势姿势!你是女孩子啊!” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Oh well, Emma’s image has been ruined…’ 大笨猫:“唉,形象全毁了……”