
12. August 2015 Photo 0
The Summer is coming. As the weather got hotter and hotter, Emma often got rest on the floor right way. It’s cool~ 夏天来了,天热起来后,Emma有时候直接趴在地上小息了,凉快嘛~ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, I see you doubled!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,我看到两个你唉!” Emma: ‘What! I am the ONE!’ Emma:“什么!我是独一无二的!” When I needed some warmth, Emma had jumped onto my legs to nap! Emma: ‘This is ...


08. August 2015 Photo 0
There is a windowsill. Since Emma discovered it, she often jumped onto it to watch the scenery outside. Sometimes she felt anxious for the birds flying past her, but she couldn’t get out from the high floor of the building, so she could only stare at them. 窗户前有个窗台,自从Emma发现后,经常跳上去观赏户外的景色,有时候对飞过的小鸟很是捉急,碍于无法出去且又是高楼,只能干瞪眼! Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, there are stings ...


03. August 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, how did get into there, come out!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你怎么进去的,出来!” Emma: ‘It’s very warm here~’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘There is no signal for WiFi! Emma, don’t lean on the Router!’ Emma:“这里很暖和~” 大笨猫:“WiFi怎么没信号了!Emma,不要趴在路由器上!” Emma: ‘Is it OK to have a nap here?’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘This is my office for work.’ Emma:“这里小息没有问题吧。” 大笨猫:“这是我办公的地方。” Emma: ...


28. July 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, your paw is exposed!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你的小爪露出来了!” Emma: ‘What’s up?’ Emma:“发生什么事了?” Emma: ‘Nothing so continue sleeping~’ Emma:“没事继续睡觉啦~” Emma likes to use this type of cup for drinking… So ☟ 【What’s in the cup is water, not coffee. For the health of cats, please do not let them drink coffee】 Emma喜欢用这种杯子喝水……所以☟ 【杯子里面是水,不是咖啡,为了猫猫的身体健康,请不要给猫猫喝咖啡】


04. July 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, what are you doing?’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你在干什么?” Emma: ‘Thinking about cat-life!’ Emma:“思考喵生!” Emma: ‘Or considering how to jump over your head!’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ Emma:“或者考虑怎么从你头上跳过去!” 大笨猫:“……”。 Emma’s elongated sleeping pose. Emma的长条睡姿! Take a photo for the posterior part in secret~ 悄悄的拍了一张后面的~ Emma placed herself between two chairs and her expression is so ...


27. June 2015 Photo 0
Emma is sleeping under some blankets, and her pose is still so cute. Emma躲在被子下面睡觉,姿势依然那么可爱。 Emma’s favorite red string. Emma喜欢玩的小红绳。 Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, you look like the Queen.’ 大笨猫:“Emma,您好有女王的风范!” Emma: ‘You may withdraw.’ Emma:“你可以退下了。” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘My Majesty, your paws are very cute!’ 大笨猫:“女王殿下,您的小爪子真可爱!” Emma: ‘Service required! Get him out of the room for ...