
22. August 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Occasionally make a pose and show my loveliness~’ Emma:“偶尔摆个甫士卖卖萌~” Emma: ‘Hey hey!NOT from this angle!’ Emma:“喂喂!这个角度不可以!” Emma: ‘An extremely beautiful pose! Big Clumsy Cat, thank you very much!’ Emma:“绝美的一张甫士,多谢大笨猫啦~”


18. August 2016 Photo 0
Sometimes Emma would like to hide under the sofa cover while sleeping. I think she doesn’t want to be disturbed and hence she can sleep very well. Emma有时候喜欢藏在沙发罩下面睡觉,我想她是不希望被打扰,从而可以美美的睡上一觉。 But she never hid herself perfectly. 只不过她总是没藏好。 For example, a cute little paw was exposed~ 例如露出一只可爱的小爪~ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Ah! Emma, sorry for interrupt your sleep.’ 大笨猫:“啊!Sorry,Emma,打扰你睡觉啦。”


14. August 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘I feel very unsettled…’ Emma:“我感到很不安……” Emma: ‘OMG! What’s happening?!’ Emma:“天!怎么回事?!” Emma: ‘I’m going to slide away! Big Clumsy Cat, make the camera scene stable quickly!!!’ Emma:“我要滑下去啦!大笨猫快将镜头扶稳!!!” Emma: ‘Now I feel much safer like this~’ Emma:“这样子我就安心多了~”


05. August 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘With the last gleam of sunshine, bask in the sun~’ Emma:“趁着最后一缕阳光,晒晒太阳~” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, did you realize that I would never get tanned~’ Emma:“大笨猫,你发现没,我从来晒不黑~”


01. August 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Zzzzzzz…’ Emma:“Zzzzzzz……” Emma: ‘I can feel some pressure.’ Emma:“感觉有点压力。” Wake up suddenly 突然惊醒 Emma: ‘Why does this big pillow press on me!?’ Emma:“怎么会有这么一个大枕头压在我身上!?” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, did you play this trick?’ Emma:“大笨猫,是你干的好事吗?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘You moved into it by yourself.’ 大笨猫:“是你自己钻进去的。” Emma: ‘Well, I should go back to sleep.’ Emma:“哦,那我接着睡好了。”


28. July 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, come here quickly, I will show you something good!’ Emma: ‘ ? ’ 大笨猫:“Emma,快来,给你个好东西!” Emma:“ ?” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat! I will bite you!!!’ Emma:“大笨猫!我要咬你!!!”


15. July 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Import the program for some cute sleeping poses into Emma~’ 大笨猫:“给Emma导入可爱睡姿程序~” Then, she can sleep like this~ 于是,可以这么睡~ And sleep like this~ 还可以这么睡~ The program has finished running. 程序运行完毕。 Emma: ‘I had some good sleep just now.’ Emma:“刚才睡了一个好觉。”