
31. October 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Watch the scenery.’ Emma:“看看光景。” Emma: ‘Think of the cat-life!’ Emma:“思考下猫生!” Emma: ‘Oh! What’s that?’ Emma:“哦!那是什么?” Emma: ‘Yum-yum!’ Emma:“好吃的!” Emma: ‘What a heart-broken distance!’ Emma:“可惜吃不到!” Emma: ‘Forget it, it’s no need to think about it anymore, go to bed!’ Emma:“算了,再想也没有用,睡觉!”


27. October 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma! Do you feel well?’ 大笨猫:“Emma!你还好吗?” Emma: ‘It’s too hot, I feel a little dizzy…’ Emma:“天热,有点头晕……” Emma: ‘Ah! I need to lie down for a while…’ Emma:啊!我要躺一会儿……” Emma: ‘When will the Summer finish…’ Emma:“夏天什么时候能过去啊……”


22. October 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, you are sleeping!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你睡了!” Emma: ‘Don’t record my sleeping without permission!’ Emma:“不要偷拍我睡觉!” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘OK~’ 大笨猫:“好的~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Once she has fallen into deep sleep, photos could be taken whenever I want~’ 大笨猫:“睡着后,就可以任意偷拍啦~”


28. September 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, I see you doubled again!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,我又看到两个你了!” Emma: ‘What? Is it possible I have two copies?!’ Emma:“什么?怎么可能会有两个我?!” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, why is your face full of question marks?’ Emma:“大笨猫,为什么你满脸问号?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, are you actually standing or sitting? 大笨猫:“Emma,你这到底是站着还是坐着呢?” Emma: ‘It’s none of your business!!!’ Emma:“不要你管!!!”


23. September 2015 Photo 0
As the weather got warm, Emma needed more tidy-up to remove the falling hairs. 天热后,Emma也要梳理下,清理下脱掉的毛。 Emma is a short-haired cat, but there are a lot of hairs for only one time. 虽然Emma是短毛猫,但一次也有这么多! Emma’s new hair-style~ Emma的新发型~ It can be used for sun-proof~ 看起来可以遮阳哦~ Emma: ‘What Are You Doing!!!’ Emma:“你在干什么!!!”