
26. May 2016 Photo 0
Apart from cleaning her hair, can Emma’s saliva also be used for setting her hair-style? Haha, a little amount of hair on her back has been fixed there after she licked it, hahahaha~ Emma的口水除了清理毛发之外,难道还有定型的功能吗?哈哈,背上的一小撮毛被Emma舔过后,居然神奇的定型啦,哈哈哈哈~


22. May 2016 Photo 1
Cute Emma 可爱的Emma Serious Emma 严肃的Emma Dignified Emma 威严的Emma Casual Emma… 无所谓的Emma……


18. May 2016 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Is there some thing under the sofa?’ 大笨猫:“沙发下面好像有什么东西?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma! What are you doing under the sofa?!’ 大笨猫:“Emma!你跑沙发底下干什么啊?!” Emma: ‘Finally I find out the safest place at home~’ Emma:“我终于发现家里最为安全的地方啦~” Emma: ‘I can feel the safety around me at all the directions~’ Emma:“无论前后左右,都感到好安全~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Come out, I promise you ...


09. May 2016 Photo 0
Bite! Kick! Nibble! 咬咬!踹踹!啃啃! Chase! Hit! Kick! 追追!打打!踢踢! Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, I didn’t bully Spring Rat~’ Emma:“大笨猫,我可没欺负弹簧鼠哦~” Emma: ‘Resume later!’ Emma:“待会再继续!” Emma: ‘Look! Airplane!’ Emma:“看!飞机!” Emma: ‘It’s flying very high!’ Emma:“飞得好高啊!” Emma: ‘Ah! It’s flying away’ Emma:“呀!飞走了!” Emma: ‘Why can’t I fly?’ Emma:“为什么我不能飞?”


04. May 2016 Photo 2
? ? ? Emma: ‘If I have a piano, I may be able to play music.’ Emma:“如果我有架钢琴,或许也能演绎音乐。” Emma: ‘OMG!’ Emma:“OMG!” Emma: ‘Is this truly actual?’ Emma:“这真的是真的吗?” Emma: ‘OK! Let me try to play it~’ Emma:“好!来试弹下~” Emma: ‘…’ Emma:“……” Emma: ‘Surely, the ideality is different from the reality…’ Emma:“果然,理想和现实是有差距的……”


30. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘I am very slim~’ Emma:“我很修长吧~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma is sleeping very well~’ 大笨猫:“Emma睡得好香啊~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Is she dreaming now? Is there Big Clumsy Cat in her dream?’ 大笨猫:“在做梦吗?梦到大笨猫了吗?” Emma: ‘In my dream, there was somebody taking photos without my consent…’ Emma:“刚才做梦梦到有人在偷拍……” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ Emma: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“……” Emma:“……”


22. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘My neck does not feel right as sleeping here…’ Emma:“这里睡觉脖子好难受……” Emma: ‘Is there anything which can be used as a pillow?’ Emma:“有没有什么可以当个枕头之类的呢?” Emma: ‘Oh!?’ Emma:“哦!?” Emma: ‘This is nice, but…’ Emma:“这样子不错,只不过……” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat is coming!’ Emma:“大笨猫来了!” Emma: ‘It’s perfect now~’ Emma:“这下完美啦~” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Hey hey, I can’t type like this!’ Emma: ...


17. April 2016 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Ah! I can feel the sunshine on my body. It’s very warm~’ Emma:“啊!感觉阳光洒在身上,好温暖哦~” Emma: ‘The little paw is warm too, very comfortable~’ Emma:“小爪也热乎乎的,好舒服哦~” Emma: ‘It’s very comfortable to sleep like this~’ Emma:“这样子睡觉真是舒服啊~” Actually, it’s only a lamp~ 其实,那仅仅是一盏灯~