
06. January 2016 Photo 0
The transient poses of Emma during playing, concentrating, violent but still beautiful, surely apart from the last two photos… Emma在玩耍时的瞬间姿态,专注、迅猛的同时又保持着优美的身姿,当然,最后两张除外……


27. December 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘Ah? What’s that?’ Emma:“哦?那是什么东西?” Emma: ‘Get closer and closer slowly.’ Emma:“慢慢靠近些。” Shaking… 忽忽悠悠的…… Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, be careful about the slippery bars!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,当心栏杆滑!” Emma: ‘You don’t know much about the balance of the cats.’ Emma:“你太不了解我们猫的平衡……。” Emma: ‘Yo…yo…eh….’ Emma:“哎…哎…啊…”。 Emma: ‘Wow! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Emma:“哇!啊啊啊啊!!!!” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“……”


22. December 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘As sleeping on the large bed, I can extend comfortably.’ Emma:“在大床上睡觉,就可以舒展开来!” Emma: ‘As sleeping in a narrow place, I should use my flexible body to fit in.’ Emma:“在狭窄的地方睡觉,就要活用柔软的身体来适用空间!” Emma: ‘Sleeping in the small bucket…’ Emma:“在小桶里睡觉……” Thinking… 思考中…… Continue thinking… 继续思考中…… Emma: ‘The fact has been proved, I can only sleep as standing in the ...


17. December 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘I found a place good for sleep.’ Emma:“发现一个睡觉的好地方。” Emma: ‘I can sleep like this~’ Emma:“可以这么睡~” Emma: ‘I also can sleep like this~’ Emma:“还可以这么睡!” Emma: ‘It’s easy to hide myself~’ Emma:“隐蔽性也很好~” Emma: ‘No! It’s Big Clumsy Cat!’ Emma:“糟糕!是大笨猫!” Emma: ‘I’m completely exposed!’ Emma:“彻底被发现了!” Emma: ‘This is my area! I came here first and claimed first! ...


10. December 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, you have grown up!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你长大啦!” Emma: ‘How do you know?’ Emma:“何以见得?” A few months ago. 几个月前。 Emma: ‘What a cheap bed you offered at that time!’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Don’t change the topic!’ Emma:“原来那个时候你就给我那么破烂的床!” 大笨猫:“不要岔开话题!”


28. November 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘What’s it?’ Emma:“哦?!那是什么?” Emma: ‘Quietly, quietly….’ Emma:“悄悄地,悄悄地……” Emma: ‘I catch you!’ Emma:“抓到你啦!” Emma: ‘Ah! It moved to another side!’ Emma:“呀!又跑那边了!” Emma: ‘Finally I get it!’ Emma:“终于抓到了!” Emma: ‘Ah! Big Clumsy Cat is coming!’ Emma:“呀!大笨猫来了!” Emma: ‘Hide it carefully, don’t tell him!’ Emma:“藏好,不告诉他!”