
09. June 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘The sunshine in the morning is very comfortable!’ Emma:“早上的阳光真舒服!” Emma: ‘Breath some fresh air!’ Emma:“呼吸下新鲜空气!” Emma: ‘It smells tasty~’ Emma:“闻起来口感不错~” Emma: ‘Well, come back to have some add-on sleep~’ Emma:“好了,继续睡个回笼觉~”


06. June 2015 Photo 0
When Emma isn’t sleeping, her pose is also naturally cute! Emma不睡觉的姿势也很天然Q的! Emma: ‘Really? Wait a minute before taking photo!’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘What’s up?’ Emma:“是吗?等一下再拍!” 大笨猫:“怎么啦?” Emma: ‘I haven’t done the make-up!’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ Emma:“我还没化妆!” 大笨猫:“……”。 Emma: ‘This pose is even cuter~’ Emma:“这样子不是更Q嘛~”! Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, please become innocent.’ 大笨猫:“Emma,来一张呆萌的。” Big Clumsy ...


03. June 2015 Photo 0
Emma: ‘One of the best way to keep long-life for cat is to sleep!’ Emma:“猫的养生之一就是睡觉!” Emma like to play with her cute tail sometimes. In fact, she is interested in all the moving objects. Emma有时候喜欢玩自己的小尾巴,事实上,她对所有动的的东西都十分感兴趣! One of Emma’s favorite toys, Jingle Rat! Emma最喜欢的玩具之一,叮当鼠! Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, why your siting pose looks so strange?’ Emma: ...


28. May 2015 Photo 0
Emma had grown up a little bit more and could reach some where she couldn’t reach before, for example, the orchid. She likes to play with the leaves, so the plant should be moved in order to save the innocent orchid. Emma慢慢长大了,能去以前去不了的地方,就像这盆兰花,她喜欢玩兰花的叶子,为了拯救无辜的兰花,看来要给它搬家了!‘I’m the most important role, so don’t always take photo of plants!’, said by ...


13. May 2015 Photo 0
The life of Emma is cosy, so she dares to expose her belly when sleeping. Perhaps this is also naturally cute! Emma的生活安逸,所以都放心的露着肚皮睡觉,或许也是天然Q的睡姿吧! ‘Emma, you hide onto the folding stool again.’, said by Big Clumsy Cat. 大笨猫:“Emma,你又藏到马扎上去了。” ‘Ouch! You get me!’, said by Emma. Emma:“呀!被你发现了!” ‘So warm! The bed is very well!’, said by Emma. ‘Do ...