
08. September 2015 Photo 0
Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, why do you incline to the right?’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你的身体怎么往右偏?” Emma: ‘Didn’t you see the bed on the right?’ Emma:“没看到床在右边嘛!” Emma: ‘Look, I’m straight now!’ Emma:“看,我现在不偏了!” Emma: ‘Why do you only take photo for my head?!’ Emma:“为什么你只拍我的脑袋?!” Emma: ‘Well, sleep is more important.’ Emma:“算了,睡觉是大事!”


29. August 2015 Photo 0
Emma would occupy my office chair to sleep for a while. Usually I would give it to her, but sometimes I had to wake her up with the feeling of sorry, and then move her to another place. Emma会霸占我的电脑椅来小息,大多数情况我都让给她了,但有时候也不忍的吵醒她,让她挪个地方啦。 Emma could also sleep very well. Emma睡得也是很香的。 As for pose… whereas it’s still very cut! 姿势嘛……虽然也是很可爱的! ...


24. August 2015 Photo 0
When she thinks of cat-life on the windowsill, she is very alert for the noise in the room. Turn her head around to check it. Emma在窗台思考喵生的时候,屋里有什么动静,她都十分警觉,回头来查看一下。 There are curtains on the windowsill. Emma moved her head out and watched curiously. 窗台有帘子,Emma探着小脑袋,好奇的看着。 Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, it’s you actually!’ Emma:“大笨猫,原来是你!” Emma: ‘Do not make noise, I’m ...